So for now...

Ok, so now this is the second time I've attempted this post due to blogger deleteing my last one.
So technically I have't been accepted to Semester at Sea yet. I should hopefully know sometime within the next week or two. I'm really excited about the trip. I want to go to all the places. This is really my semester too. After not going to North Africa and the Medeteranian for 6 years they're finally going again. I mean, I want to go to South Africa and Brazil, but I much rather go to Egypt and Turkey.
They changed the departure port from Vancouver, B.C. to Ensenada, Mexico this last week. It's exciting, I like Mexico and the sun, and there's the possibility I could see my VU friends too but it also stinks because I have to pay more money to get there now.
Whatever happens I know the God blesses me and has plans for me. Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
No matter what I'm really excited. I LOVE to travel and I'll do anything to go on this trip. From what I've heard about who they let in I shouldn't have a problem as a good student, non-drinker and non-smoker, but I can't help but sit on pins and needles not knowing. It will all be better when I find out.